Episode 6 – Journey to Equality
Do we receive fair treatment as Muslims in the United States?
What has been your experience?
Please share your stories with us, and help us understand the gaps between the promise of equality and the reality of our personal experiences.
MLFA is here to fight for equality.
Here’s one example of what we’re up against.
The Controlled Application Review and Resolution Program (CARRP) is a set of immigration policies that aims to prevent Muslims from accessing immigration benefits.
Individuals coming from Muslim-majority countries or perceived as being Muslim by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) experience unequal scrutiny as well as persistent delays and denials.
MLFA strategically chooses cases in order to tip the scales towards real equality for Muslims in the United States.
May our communities be examples of universal human equality and fair treatment.
May Allah give us the courage to continue our struggle for equality and to continue to make things better for Muslims in the United States.
Join us on our sacred journey to advance equality and justice for Muslims in America, in our courtrooms and communities.
Support today at mlfa.org/donate