DALLAS – A lawsuit alleges that a Muslim pilot was “suspended” and later fired by NetJets without explanation. According to the lawsuit, after seven years of exemplary service, pilot Ameer Siddiqui was suspended and later fired because an unidentified employee allegedly viewed him as a “security concern.”
Attorneys at Constitutional Law Center for Muslims in America, a nonprofit law center representing Siddiqui, said that the amended lawsuit filed yesterday adds retaliation and the termination to the charges because NetJets fired Siddiqui so soon after the EEOC investigation was dismissed. “NetJets’ unlawful and malicious actions toward Mr. Siddiqui have caused him tremendous hardships,” said Christina Jump, Senior Staff Attorney at CLCMA. “He’s lost flight experience, income, his qualifications expired, and he has suffered emotionally as a result of how unfairly NetJets treated him.” Jump also said that Siddiqui was never given a chance by NetJets to defend himself against any specific allegations the company used as its reason for suspending him.