Attorneys with the Constitutional Law Center for Muslims in America petitioned the United States Supreme Court to protect the rights of U.S. citizens from the whims of any next administration, and recognize the due process rights inherent in the important value of recognized U.S. citizenship.
“Hoda Muthana grew up as a U.S. citizen. She was born here, attended and graduated school here, and began her first year of college here. For the first 20 years of her life, Ms. Muthana was a recognized United States citizen, by both her own understanding and official government certification, with all the privileges and rights that accompany that status. With evidence of neither fraud nor misrepresentation, the United States government now erases those 20 years and asserts without offering any new evidence that she is not and never has been a U.S. citizen. The government has afforded her no due process of law in making this change.” Thus opens the Petition filed by CLCMA attorneys to the Supreme Court, seeking review of the two lower court opinions which disregarded the prior decision in favor of a later position taken by the Department of State without any new evidence and supported by a letter created only in response to litigation.
“We look forward to presenting the case and preserving the rights of U.S. citizens who have been recognized by the U.S. government to have that status, so that citizenship cannot disappear on a whim or a random second thought of a new official,” stated Christina A. Jump, Civil Litigation Department Head and Counsel of Record on the Petition. “Our country’s founders and our courts have long recognized the ‘high value of citizenship,’ and that it cannot be taken away as punishment or without due process. The lower courts here did just that. They were wrong.”
“Our most sacred rights are at their most vulnerable when politically unpopular, and that’s exactly when we need to protect them,” noted Alyssa Morrison, Civil Litigation Staff Attorney and another attorney on the case.
CLCMA works diligently on behalf of all its clients to protect equal rights for all, as guaranteed under the Constitution and by the laws of this country.