CLCMA Defends Immigration Win for Dr. Main Al-Qudah

CLCMA’s client, Dr. Main Al-Qudah, has been defending his immigration status through a long legal battle for almost two decades, by tenaciously fighting against the government’s efforts to block his ability to remain lawfully in the U.S. Dr. Al-Qudah’s case exemplifies the persistence of CLCMA and its legal partners in defending Muslim immigrants, against withholding of immigration status in violation of our clients’ constitutional rights to due process and fairness. With the help of CLCMA and outside counsel, Dr. Al-Qudah recently received a favorable decision when the immigration judge granted his long-pending request for lawful permanent residence. CLCMA is now defending this win for Dr. Al-Qudah at the Board of Immigration Appeals, after the government challenged it.

CLCMA has also assisted Dr. Al-Qudah’s children in obtaining and maintaining their Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (“DACA”) status, so that they may pursue their educations and dreams. The government’s efforts to discourage immigrants creates barriers that form an “invisible wall” for people who come to the United States to build their lives, and yet are instead met with resistance at every turn. CLCMA is committed to defending the constitutional rights of Muslim immigrants to ensure that this injustice does not go unchallenged.