Maybe you’d like to distance yourself from this kind of activity, sure that you would never make the same mistake. The issue is that having the FBI playing games in the lives of American Muslims affects the baseline of safety and trust for a whole community. It’s too much. It’s too far. It’s about proving that they’re fighting terrorism when in reality they’re violating privacy and spreading fear.
“Pens and books are the weapons that defeat terrorism.” – Malala Yousafzai
The government could truly end contributions to terrorism by supporting education in the United States and in countries around the world. The FBI and other government organizations are spending billions of dollars surveilling and targeting Muslims in the United States. They could spend a tenth of this money and actually end terrorism in the world.
I’m not okay with them using my brothers and sisters to make it look like they’re fighting terrorism. MLFA stands with Mr. Wadi. We stand against policies that trick people into committing crimes.
By telling these stories and by standing shoulder to shoulder with community members like Mr. Wadi, we’re changing the narrative of Muslims in this country. We’re moving towards fearlessness. Will you come with us?