The Gaza Impact: Understand the Law
Understanding the Law & Addressing our Fears
An Educational Series by Muslim Legal Fund of America
The events unfolding in and around Gaza have far-reaching consequences that impact us all. Many American Muslims and their allies share a common concern: the fear of being targeted if they raise their voices against injustice. This fear extends to their hesitancy in providing aid to those suffering, making donations to help victims in the region, and their worry about facing discriminatory treatment when traveling to reunite with loved ones or conduct business in the area.
With two decades of experience, we understand these reasonable apprehensions. Our team of expert lawyers can help address these concerns effectively, the first step is understanding the law.
In the coming weeks, MLFA will be hosting a town hall event and an educational video series to provide answers to your questions. We invite you to join us in this important conversation.
Together, we can navigate these challenges and advocate for justice with confidence.
Gaza Impact: Is Your Nonprofit Safe?
A Training on Nonprofit Compliance during Challenging Times.
A training on nonprofit compliance during challenging times brought to you by the experts at Muslim Legal Fund of America. Join us for a virtual training made specifically with the Muslim nonprofit in mind.
In light of the catastrophic war affecting regions in Gaza and the occupied territories, it has become crucial for Muslim nonprofits to understand and navigate the legal landscape surrounding aid initiatives and compliance concerns.
We recognize the urgency of aiding conflict zones while respecting legal boundaries, our teams will address key legal considerations to help non-profits carry out their noble missions without jeopardizing their organizational integrity.
The team at MLFA is here to help ensure that your organization can effectively and safely operate during challenging times.
- Preventative Action: What nonprofits can do preventively to avoid being an object of government investigations.
- Free Speech: What an Imam can and cannot say from the pulpit.
- Employment Compliance: Exploring the nonprofit employment actions, ensuring compliance with employment regulations to avoid government investigations.
- Immigration Perspectives: Ensuring nonprofit compliance with immigration laws to limit your risk of Immigrations & Customs Enforcement audits and Department of Labor sanctions.
- Sending Money Overseas: How to keep your nonprofit organization safe when sending money or aid overseas.
Arshia Ali-Khan
Muslim Legal Fund of America
Christina Jump
Civil Litigation Department Head,
Muslim Legal Fund of America
Sana Saleem
Staff Attorney & Program Manager
Muslim Legal Fund of America
Charlie Swift
Criminal Defense Department Head,
Muslim Legal Fund of America
Kathryn Brady
Immigration Department Head,
Muslim Legal Fund of America
Virtual Event
The Gaza Impact | Legal Insights, A Town Hall with MLFA
The Gaza Impact: Understanding the Law & Addressing our Fears: Dive into insightful discussions about the legal landscape surrounding Gaza and explore strategies for overcoming the fears that often accompany advocating for justice. Engage with legal experts, share your concerns, and work together to build a more informed and empowered community. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain legal insights, and be part of a vital conversation that can drive positive change.
- Material Support of Terrorism. What You Need to Know about the Law.
- How the Federal Material Support of Terrorism Statutes Affect Relief in Gaza
- Palestine – Free Speech and Material Support Charges
- Free Speech and Palestine Advocacy: What You Need to Know by MLFA’s Civil Litigation Department
- Freedom of Speech During Times of Conflict. What You Need to Know by MLFA’s Civil Litigation Department
- Free Speech, Material Support, and Immigration Implications
FBI Interviews
Muslim Legal Fund of America (MLFA) Criminal Defense Department Head, Charles Swift, speaks on legal insights to keep in mind when the FBI Interviews you.
Humanitarian Support to Charities in Conflict Zones – What You Need to Know
MLFA’s Criminal Defense Department Head, Charles Swift, speaks on legal insights to keep in mind when considering contributing to charities.
Monetary Support to Individuals in Conflict Zones – What You Need to Know
MLFA’s Criminal Defense Department Head, Charles Swift, speaks on legal insights to keep in mind when considering contributing to individuals in politically unstable regions.
Political and Religious Speech – What You Need to Know
Muslim Legal Fund of America (MLFA) Criminal Defense Attorney, Sufia Khalid offers legal insights into political and religious speech. What speech is protected and what is not?
Speech Implications and What Speech is Not Protected?
Muslim Legal Fund of America (MLFA) Criminal Defense Attorney, Sufia Khalid offers legal insights into free speech. What is unlawful to say? What constitutes Material Support or Attempted Material Support?
The Lasting Impact of a False Statement on Immigration Applications
Kate Brady, the Head of the Immigration Department at Muslim Legal Fund of America discusses concerns about the situation in Gaza and surrounding areas, and its potential impact on Muslims in America and abroad when seeking immigration to the US or sponsoring family members abroad.
Travel Concerns, Rights & Religious Violations, and SSSS Screening & Inspections
Kate Brady, Head of Immigration at Muslim Legal Fund of America, discusses the heightened concerns around traveling back to the US following international travel due to the situation in Gaza. Many individuals, regardless of their background, are undergoing secondary inspection by the CBP, which occasionally involves detailed questioning and searches of electronic devices.
No Fly Lists, SSSS & Watchlist Designations – Know What Your Options Are
Samira Elhosary, Muslim Legal Fund of America’s Civil Litigation Junior Staff Attorney explains about a SSSS designation on your boarding pass, the Watchlist, and No Fly Lists. Know what your options are and how to seek guidance.
Trouble While Traveling: Can You Refuse TSA Questions?
Christina A. Jump, Head of Civil Litigation department at Muslim Legal Fund of America compassionately takes you through a step by step approach if you have trouble while traveling. What can you do in the moment to help your situation? What should you not do? Can you ever refuse to answer TSA questions?
Intro to Legal Risks of Protesting on Campus
Christina A. Jump, Head of the Civil Litigation department at Muslim Legal Fund of America speaks directly to students about the legal risks of protesting on campus. What should you do before you ever leave the house? Are protests protected? Is a protest freedom of speech? How do you handle trouble?
Free Speech Overview of Civil Protections and Pitfalls
Chelsea Glover, Civil Litigation Senior Staff Attorney at Muslim Legal Fund of America expands on free speech and civil protections and pitfalls. She explores what types of speech are covered? What’s type of speech is not? What laws apply?
Free Speech and Student Protests NYU Law Student’s Job Rescinded for Supporting Palestine
Christina A. Jump, Civil Litigation Department Head at Muslim Legal Fund of America shares insights into the NYU Law Student’s rescinded job for supporting Palestine. Is it a legal Move by the law firm? Was their decision over the line? What kind of retaliation isn’t protected?
Free Speech & Protests: “I disapprove what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it”
Christina A. Jump, Civil Litigation Department Head at Muslim Legal Fund of America shares more about free Speech and student protests. Understand when private action is protected. What if your acts affect your employment? How much backlash is protected versus crossing legal lines?
The Harvard Doxxing Truck: Free Speech & Student Protests
Christina A. Jump, Civil Litigation Department Head at Muslim Legal Fund of America talks about “The Harvard Doxxing Truck” and the impact it had. What “incites violence” under the law? How specific is too specific when it comes to the law?
Freedom of Association and its Significance in the Immigration Process
Franchel Daniel, Senior Staff Attorney with Muslim Legal Fund of America walks viewers through, what DHS will consider your associations as part of your immigration application.
March on Washington for Gaza | Our CEO’s Stirring Address
Join us in reliving the powerful moments of the March On Washington for Gaza on January 13th, 2024! Over 400K Muslims and allies united at Freedom Plaza, Washington DC, demanding a ceasefire. Watch MLFA CEO, Arshia Ali-Khan’s stirring address that echoed through the crowd: ‘Let Gaza Live!’ #MarchForGaza #Ceasefire #FreedomPlaza