FREE Virtual Governance Legal Clinic
This virtual legal clinic will work with attorney volunteers to help Muslim nonprofits assess and improve their governance and fiscal oversight procedures.
– Maintaining state status and IRS tax-exempt status;
– Board operations and governance policies;
– Financial management and fiscal governance; and more!
ABOUT THE CLINIC: Each nonprofit will meet virtually one-on-one with attorney volunteers assigned to it who will provide their brief legal assessment of the organization and address current policies and procedures where the nonprofit may need to make changes. They will also answer general legal questions from the organization. This is not a training.
Each nonprofit must email their articles of incorporation, bylaws and any governance policies that exist before the legal clinic so the attorneys they meet with can tailor their recommendations to the nonprofit.
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: A board member, executive director, or senior manager of the nonprofit.
*Muslim nonprofits must have 501(c)(3) status to participate in this legal clinic. *