Submit an Application Form. Please do not include any confidential information.
A representative will contact you to either get more information or to let you know your case does not meet the mission of MLFA.
MLFA´s legal department may contact you for more information to better evaluate your case.
If your case is an appropriate case that meets the organization’s mission guidelines and there are legal issues of merit a relevant MLFA attorney will draft a memorandum to the MLFA Legal Committee with a recommendation whether to accept your case. This may involve weighing many factors, including MLFA´s legal team capacity, whether MLFA is already pursuing cases with similar legal issues, and any conflicts of interest.
If MLFA accepts your case after approval from MLFA´s Legal Committee, you will receive notification and a client agreement. MLFA must have a signed client agreement before representation begins.
Case TypeCriminalCivilFBI InterviewImmigrationNonprofit Compliance AssistanceOther
Do you have an attorney?YesNo
Case Number
District Court (where your case is being tried)
Court Name and Location (City and State)
What stage is the criminal case at?I have been arraigned.The trial date has been set.I am awaiting sentencing.I am at the appeal stage.
Current Immigration Status (if applicable)No Lawful StatusRefugee or Asylum StatusPermanent ResidentNaturalized U.S. CitizenOther
Please provide ALL legal spelling of your name (from birth certificate, driver's license, passport, green card, etc.)
Date of Birth
Country of Citizenship (FBI Interview)U.S.A.Other
Country of Citizenship (Immigration)
Have you ever retained an immigration attorney?YesNo
Do you have copies of the immigration paperwork you have filed, if any?YesNo
Organization Name
Organization Email
Organization Address
Street Address
Address Line 2
Organization Phone
Organization Website
Are you interested in a Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) Assessment?YesNo
What is your position with the organization?
Are you the primary contact for the organization?YesNo
Please briefly describe your situation and how you believe MLFA can help without disclosing privileged information.
First Name*
Last Name*
State / Province / Region
ZIP / Postal Code
How did you hear about MLFA?Muslim Nonprofit Leadership ConferenceMLFA Event at Local MosqueNational Convention (ICNA/MAS/ISNA)MLFA Email NewsletterSocial MediaOnline SearchWord of MouthOther
AgreementI, the individual submitting this online form, understand that submission of this application is not a guarantee of assistance. I understand that I may be required to submit additional information and I agree to do so in a timely manner. I understand that failure to cooperate with information requests or other assistance-related requests may result in my application for assistance being denied. I understand that the Muslim Legal Fund of America (MLFA) is a nonprofit charitable organization. I understand that submitting this form does not establish attorney–client privilege. I understand that MLFA´s legal team does not have the resources to represent cases in state courts.